Multidisciplinary artist born in Pietrasanta (Lucca). She graduated with honors in aesthetic philosophy in Padua, actually lives and works in Turin. Her artworks were exhibited in many national and international contemporary art galleries, museums and festivals, in Europe and abroad, from the USA to Cambodia, from India to Mexico. Among her exhibitions, the one at the Triennial of Contemporary Fiber Art – Fiberart International 2013 of Pittsburgh, at World Textile Art Miami Biennial's 25th anniversary - Salone Italia, at Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, at the Widmann Palace in Venice, at the Mumbai Art Room in India. She had several awards, including the First Prize for videoart at Romaeuropa Webfactory of Rome in 2009. Her education includes disciplines such as embroidery, wool needle felting, sculpture, theater, dance, drawing, music, photography that, in addition to their independent development, are also the elements she combines in a fusion of performance and video art.
Her longstanding path into the deepening of fiber art, that developed through the years till reaching an artisanal mastery in several embroidery and wool felting techniques, brings naturally her stylistic research to deal with different applied art fields, in particular with fashion, textile jewelry and art toys design. Moreover, her extensive journey in video art together with her dedication to incorporating organic materials and fibers, converge in an experimental approach that defines her exploration of a brand new style of performance video art. Recent endeavors reflect a pioneering spirit, as she deepen into avant-garde AI editing of her video performances and blend it with stop-motion animation, pushing the boundaries of innovation in her unique style. |
Artista multidisciplinare nata a Pietrasanta (Lucca). Laureata con lode in filosofia estetica a Padova, attualmente vive e lavora a Torino. Le sue opere sono state esposte in numerose gallerie, musei d'arte contemporanea e festival nazionali ed internazionali, in Europa e all'estero, dagli Stati Uniti alla Cambogia, dall'India al Messico. Tra le sue mostre, quella alla Triennale di Fiber Art Contemporanea - Fiberart International 2013 di Pittsburgh, alla World Textile Art Miami Biennial's 25th anniversary - Salone Italia, al Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci di Milano, a Palazzo Widmann di Venezia, alla Mumbai Art Room in India. Ha ottenuto diversi riconoscimenti, tra cui il Primo Premio per la videoarte alla Romaeuropa Webfactory di Roma nel 2009. La sua formazione comprende discipline come il ricamo, l'infeltrimento ad ago della lana, la scultura, il teatro, la danza, il disegno, la musica, la fotografia che, oltre al loro sviluppo autonomo, sono anche gli elementi che lei combina in una fusione di performance e videoarte.
Il suo lungo percorso di approfondimento della fiber art, che si è sviluppato negli anni fino a raggiungere una distintiva padronanza artigianale in diverse tecniche di ricamo e infeltrimento della lana, porta naturalmente la sua ricerca stilistica a confrontarsi con diversi campi dell'arte applicata, in particolare con la moda, il gioiello tessile e il design del giocattolo artistico. Inoltre, il suo ampio percorso nella videoarte insieme alla sua dedizione nell'incorporazione di materiali e fibre organiche, convergono in un approccio sperimentale che definisce la sua esplorazione di un nuovo stile di videoarte performativa. Le sue ricerche recenti riflettono uno spirito pionieristico, in quanto approfondisce l'editing AI d'avanguardia delle sue performance video e lo fonde con l'animazione in stop-motion, spingendo i confini dell'innovazione nel suo stile unico. |
Scroll down for selected Awards/Exhibitions/Festivals/Videography/Publications/Press
- Video Symbiosis, in the official selection for PANORAMICA*24 by VisualContainer - Milan, Italy
- Fiber artwork Siunissaq pivaa (The future is bright), three-dimensional embroidery brooch selected by ṬILISMĀN. La Buona Sorte, a textile project inspired by talismans and their many interpretations, SCD Studio - Perugia, Italy
- Video Domestic Survival, in the official selection for Berlin Indie Film Festival 2025, Berlin, Germany
- Video Domestic Survival, in the official selection for EIVV International Meeting on Video Dance and Video Performance, Valencia, Spain
- Video Domestic Survival, in the official selection for FIDA - Unicamp International Festival of Dance, Video & Technology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Photographic sculpture '@Home' (2015), finalist at Premio Francesco Fabbri for the Contemporary Photography section, Treviso
- Photographic sculpture 'Escape routes, Ear' (2013), acquired from Archivio Nazionale dell’Autoritratto Fotografico directed by Prof. Carlo Emanuele Bugatti and curated by Prof. Giorgio Bonomi, at the Museo di Arte Moderna, Informazione e Fotografia (Musinf) of Senigallia, Ancona
- Selected by the Epic Epoch International residency program, to be a member of the Con Artist Collective of Manhattan, NY
- Video De Fragmentation, selected by Celeste Prize International, New York
- Video Selfportrait, selected by (Id)Art Festival Videoarte – MIDAC, Macerata
- Video Subnatural gratitude, selected by Rassegna DueVideo,
- Video Under a different light, selected by Premio Celeste 2010, Milano
- Video Limbo, selected by Premio Celeste 2010, Milano
- Video Selfportrait, included in the Self-Imaging Collection, Colonia
- Video Selfportrait, finalist Premio Celeste, Milano
- Video Selfportrait, First Prize, Romaeuropa Webfactory, Roma
- Video Selfportrait, finalist Polyforme Videoperformance Festival, Marsiglia
- Video If a spot of human lasts, included in the Shoah Film Collection (SFC), VideoChannel Colonia.
– Special Prize at the International Children's Illustration Contest “Buon Compleanno Andersen”, Perugia.
– Honorable Mention at the International Children's Illustration Contestl’Infanzia “Pierino e il lupo” di S. Prokofiev, Torino (Torino Comics 2006).
– Selected by International Children's Illustration Contest “Il soldatino di piombo” di H. C. Andersen for the exhibit at the International Fair of Comics and Illustration “Torino Comics 2005”, Torino.
Selected Exhibitions/Festivals:
- HORIZONS, curated by Cristina Gilda Artese, critical text by Alessandro Trabucco, Gilda Contemporary Art, Milan
- BE PARTIAL grow incomplete, curated by Cristina Gilda Artese and Alessandro Trabucco, Gilda Contemporary Art, Milan
- "Isobel Blank Works and Performance", curated by Domenico Papa - Gallery, Torino
- ṬILISMĀN. LA BUONA SORTE, a project inspired by talismans and their many interpretations - opening on NOV 16th h.17.00 @ SCD Studio - Perugia
- SYNEKDOKHÉ, frammento corpo relazione - curated by Barbara Pavan @ StudioDieci, Vercelli
- Biennial of International Contemporary Fiber Art - RADICI, METAMORFOSI, MESCOLANZE - curated by Barbara Pavan, Museo del Ricamo e del Tessile, Valtopina - Perugia
- The Soft Revolution - SALONE ITALIA WTA 25 - fiber art exhibition curated by Barbara Pavan for the World Textile Art (WTA - Miami) Biennial's 25th anniversary, organized and promoted by ArteMorbida magazine - Museo del Tessile, Busto Arsizio (VA)
- 'Dissolvenze', curated by Enrica Feltracco, Massimiliano Sabbion and Matteo Vanzan, Museo Diocesano, Padova
- 'La Stella a 8 Punte - 8 venti 8 direzioni' - curated by Cristina Gilda Artese, Gilda Contemporary Art, Milan
- Brescia Photo Festival - 'Autoritratto al femminile' curated by Mario Trevisan, organized by Ma.Co.f. - Centro della fotografia italiana, Fondazione Brescia Musei, Comune di Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia
- OTHER IDENTITY- Altre forme di identità culturali e pubbliche - curated by Francesco Arena, Sala Dogana-Palazzo Ducale, Galleria Guidi&Schoen-Arte Contemporanea, Galleria ABC-ARTE, PRIMO PIANO di Palazzo Grillo, Genova
- Archive of the Photographic Selfportrait, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Rocca Roveresca - Senigallia (AN)
- Short Screens 85th Edition, Cinema Aventure, Bruxelles
- Archive of the Photographic Selfportrait, Annual exhibit of the works acquired by the public Museum of Modern Art Information and Photography, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Rocca Roveresca, Senigallia (AN)
- Asolo Art Film Festival 36° edition - "Sguardi al femminile 3x3 videoartiste", Convento di S.S. Pietro e Paolo, Asolo (TV)
- 9th Public Screening. La Vidéothèque Nomade is supported by la Commission communautaire française, PointCulture, Bruxelles
- Summer Solstice Celebration curated by Cristina Gilda Artese, Gilda Contemporary Art, Milan
- "Artiste allo specchio" curated by Giorgio Bonomi for MUSINF - Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna, dell'Informazione e della Fotografia (AN)
- Identités Fluides | Histoires de la Méditerranée exhibition vernissage, La Triennale di Milano, Palazzo dell'Arte - Salone d'Onore - Milano
- LA VIDÉOTHÈQUE NOMADE - CINéCLUB : CHEVEU projection - rencontre - exposition, Le Clignoteur - Bruxelles
- Premio Francesco Fabbri, exhibition of the finalists for the Contemporary Photography section, curated by Carlo Sala together with the other jurors Daniele De Luigi, Walter Guadagnini, Francesca Lazzarini, Marinella Paderni, Villa Brandolini in Pieve di Soligo, Treviso
- Paratissima Video - La vetrina artistica "in movimento" di Paratissima - curated by Francesca Canfora e Cristina Marinelli. A video collective exhibition I've been invited to with some of my video works for the 11th edition of Paratissima, Torino Esposizioni, Turin
- Liaisons - Videoart collective exhibition about human relationships, for the Day of Contemporary Art in collaboration with AMACI, curated by Cristina Gilda Artese and Alessandro Trabucco, Punto Enel Milano, Milan
- EMUFest - International Electroacoustic Music Festival, Conservatorio Santa Cecilia - Roma
- ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DELL’AUTORITRATTO FOTOGRAFICO, curated by Prof. Giorgio Bonomi, by the public Museum of Modern Art, Information and Photography (Musinf) of Senigallia, Biblioteca Antonelliana, Senigallia (AN)
- "Marie Claire loves art" exhibition, Marie Claire celebrates my work among 20 young female italian artists during the opening of the woman fashion week of Milan. Open air exhibit in Via della Spiga - Milan
- "I You He She… Essays in Identity and Alterity" video exhibition curated by Adi Chesson, Mumbai Art Room, Mumbai - India
- 'Escape Routes', photographic exhibition in Fotografia Europea 2014, Dinamo Art Space, Reggio Emilia
- "Lo sguardo sospeso", a special videoart selection curated by Elisabetta Di Sopra for Ca' Foscari University Short Film Festival, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Venezia
- "A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014", a selection from Shoah Film Collection - including my videowork - curated by W. A. De Cologne, [BOX] – Visual Container, Milano
- "Il Corpo Solitario - Selfportrait - Photography and Video", curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Riccardo Costantini Contemporary, Torino
- "Fiberart International", triennale di arte contemporanea tessile, a cura di Kai Chan, Paulina Ortiz, and Joyce J. Scott, Museum of Quilts and Textiles of San Jose - California
- "Wunderkammer, La Camera delle Meraviglie Contemporanea", curated by Antonio Nardone (Galerie Antonio Nardone - Bruxelles), with Jan Fabre, Pascal Bernier, Wim Delvoye, Ulrike Bolenz, Roberto Kusterle, Accademia Belgica, Roma
- "A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013" a cura di Wilfried Agricola De Cologne, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw - Poland
- "A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013", a cura di Wifried Agricola De Cologne, presso Jewish Culture & Information Center - Vilnius & Kedainiai Regional Museum - Lithuania
- "Il Corpo Solitario, L'autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea", a cura di Giorgio Bonomi and Alessandra Migliorati, presso Palazzo della Penna, Perugia
- "Artsite" site-specific exhibit, by Phanès and Conti Editore, in collaboration with Art Stays and 11° Festival of Contemporary Art di Ptuj, Slovenia, curated by Domenico Papa, Castello di Buronzo, Vercelli
- "Espressioni Performing Arts Film Festival 2013", 7° edizione monographic edition about Isobel Blank, curated by Perypezye Urbane and WAM Festival 2013, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Faenza
- "Wunderkammer, La Camera delle Meraviglie Contemporanea" curated by Antonio Nardone (Galerie Antonio Nardone - Bruxelles), with Jan Fabre, Pascal Bernier, Wim Delvoye, Ulrike Bolenz, Roberto Kusterle, Palazzo Widmann, Venezia
- "Cologne Off / Self Imaging Collection" curated by W. A. De Cologne, CCA Contemporary Art Center Tbilisi - Georgia
- "Il Corpo Solitario - L'autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea" by Giorgio Bonomi, for Rubbettino Editore, GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Torino
- "Cologne Off / Self Imaging Collection", a cura di W. A. De Cologne, presso Now and after videoart - Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
- "Fiberart International" of Pittsburgh - USA, triennale di arte contemporanea tessile, curated by Kai Chan, Paulina Ortiz, and Joyce J. Scott, presso Pittsburgh Center for the Arts - Pittsburgh | Society for Contemporary Craft - Pittsburgh, USA
- "10th Warsaw Jewish Film Festival" - dedicated to Cohen brothers, presso Kinoteka Movie Theater, Varsavia, Polonia
- "Cologne OFF 2012 Cambodia - A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012", curated by Wilfried agricola De Cologne, META House - Cambodian-German Cultural Centre, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
- "Photoreload V - Digital Natives", curated by Italo Bergantini and Alessandro Trabucco in collaboration with Galleria Pack (Milano), presso Roomberg Project Space di Romberg, Latina
- "M'oda, sentire la forma" - curated by Alessandro Trabucco, Allegretti Contemporanea, Torino
- "A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 - Commemorative interventions", Culture & Arts Project NOASS, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne in partnership with Riga Getto and Lativan Holocaust Museum, Association Shamir, artvideo Koeln "Art and moving images," Cologne /Germany, Ghetto Latvian Holocaust Museum, Riga, Lettonia
- “Thirteen light movies - Di luce propria”, curated by Alessandro Trabucco, Nur Gallery di Arsprima, Milano
- "16:9" videoart exhibit for the presentation of Spring Summer Season of Emporio Armani in collaboration with Allegretti Contemporanea Torino, curated by Alessandro Trabucco, Emporio Armani, Torino
- "Step09" Fiera Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, performance "I'll be the filter" and exhibit curated by Anna D’Ambrosio, presented by Amy-d Art Gallery, Museo della Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano
- Proiezione della SFC - Shoah Film Collection, l’Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Città del Messico, Messico
- “Inside/Off” Contemporary Dance Festival, “Umano” first study with Paola Ponti and Giulio Escalona, Mosaico Danza, Torino
- “FIDEC - International Festival of the Schools of Cinema”, Cultural Center di Huy, Belgio
- "Fisionomie ed Identità" - curated by Domenico Maria Papa, Associazione Phanès, Palazzo di Re Arduino, Cuorgnè - Torino
- "Les Films du Camion", during the 6h Edition of Festival La Nuit du Court, Angers, Francia
- "Les Films du Camion", during 12th Edition of Festival La Longue Nuit du Court, Nantes, Francia
- “Festival Cultures Maison #2” - La Vidéothèque Nomade: Focus animation, Maison des Cultures, Bruxelles, Belgio
- “Coazione a ripetere_Plusvalore e Resto”, curated by Anna d’Ambrosio e Vittorio Schieroni, critical texts by Alessandro Trabucco, Galleria Amy-d Arte Spazio, Milano
- “Cologne Off - Baltic Sea” – NCCA -National Center for Contemporary Art, San Pietroburgo, Russia
- “(Id)Art Fest 2011” - International Videoart Festival - MIDAC, Museo Internazionale Dinamico d’Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo Bonfranceschi, Belforte del Chienti (MC)
- “Exhibition Therapy”, Sala Cannoniera, Rocca Paolina - Perugia
- “Espressioni Performing Arts Film Festival”, Cinema Gnomo - Milano
- “TNT Festival dei Giovani talenti Italiani nel Mondo”, curated by Luca Beatrice Palazzo dei Congressi, Roma
- “The White Cellar” – “Day off” performance, curated by Chiara Canali, Palazzo Ex Fiat, Paratissima 2010 - Torino
- Digital Art Festival – proiezione presso Art Academy – Sofia, Bulgaria
- "Les Films Du Camiòn" Parvis du cinéma Pathé Atlantis - allée La Pérouse - Saint-Herblain – Nantes, Francia
- "Videozone"- Premio Celeste at MUV Festival - Biblioteca delle Oblate, Firenze
- 7th Edition, “Les Inattendus” Festival du Cinéma (très) indépendant – Elysée Theatre - Lione, Francia
- “Sfera Celeste” - Selection Premio Celeste, Obraz Gallery, Milano
- "AbsurdTime +2" Esposizione Internazionale Arte Contemporanea, Sala della Cannoniera - Rocca Paolina, Perugia
- “Premio Celeste 2009” – Curated by Chiara Canali, Julia Draganovic, Gianluca Marziani, Paola Nicita, Cristiana Perrella e Ivan Quaroni, Fabbrica Borroni, Milano
- “Polyforme Festival of Video Performance” – Curatori: Steeve Calvo, Jean Etienne Martin, Flavie Pinatel - Place des Augustines Le Panier – Marsiglia, Francia
- “Creative.Identity” - Curators: Venceslao Cembalo, Domenico Papa - Biblioteca Civica Italo Calvino - Torino
- “Artzone”, Circuito Off, X Edizione Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi – Mostra Internazionale del Cinema, Venezia
- Romaeuropa Webfactory, Screening and Award Ceremony, Opificio Telecom, Roma
- “Movimenti non Convenzionali”, Museo delle Genti d'Abruzzo, Pescara
- "5Squares Metres International Exhibition", La Catedral Studios, Dublino, Irlanda
- “Illustranza”, all’interno di "Figuratevi 2008" XX Festival, Rocca Paolina, Perugia
- "Pre-Cursori 2007" Exhibition, Castello degli Aragonesi, Taranto
Art Residencies
RootsMe Berlin, video art cultural mapping of the city in collaboration with the Erasmus Plus program, duration 2 weeks. RootsMe is a cultural mapping of the heritage of a community through video and the gaze and movement of an artist/performer, Berlin
Danceme Edition II , duration 6 months, semiresidential form (online work on and at Studio 28, Milan). Participates as tutor, video/performance section, at Studio28 - Perypezye Urbane, Milan
Inside/Off by Natalia Casorati (Festival Interplay), duration 2 weeks. Participates as performer together with Paola Ponti and Giulio Escalona, at Mosaico Danza, Turin
Danceme Edition I, annual duration, semiresidential form (online work on and at Studio 28, Milan). Selected as videomaker for a cross-media project by Perypezye Urbane (Milan) and EFA (European Festival Association). Following the work done and further selection, she joins the artistic collective Studio28 Dancefactory, Milan
Pubblicazioni - Publications (selection):
- Exibart, intervista di Francesco Arena per la rubrica Other Identity - 7 Ottobre 2023
- ArteMorbida, intervista mag digitale di Barbara Pavan - 28 Novembre 2022
- Espoarte #105, articolo di Alessandro Trabucco, 'Isobel Blank - Irrequietezza espressiva e nomadismo esistenziale' - Aprile 2019 pp. 34-35
- Concrete Shelves, intervista di Matteo Uggeri, - 16 Aprile 2019
- Flash Art, Edizione Italiana, n. 341 vol. 51 Ottobre/Novembre 2018
- Juliet, n. 189 Ottobre/Novembre 2018
- Pierluigi Battista, Corriere della Sera, p.41, 28 Settembre 2018
- Wall Street International Magazine, - 18 Settembre 2018
- Hestetika Magazine, - 18 Settembre 2018
- Repubblica XL, articolo di Tobia D’Onofrio, - 17 Settembre 2018
- Or not magazine - arte contemporanea, intervista di Alessandro Trabucco “Isobel Blank, il corpo come domus”,, Maggio 2015
- Marie Claire Italy/ March 2015, Marie Claire celebra 20 giovani artiste italiane.
- FRIGIDAIRE n.243 July/August 2012, illustrazioni.
- FRIGIDAIRE n.242 May/June 2012, illustrazioni.
- Adi Chesson, Selfportrait de Isobel Blank, Critique -,18 Novembre 2011
- Alice Bendia, Asa Nisi Masa, “Selfportrait” by Isobel Blank, Dude Magazine, July 2011, web e cartaceo, p.13
- Giorgio Bonomi, Spigolature Bibliografiche, Titolo – Rivista scientifico-culturale d’arte contemporanea, Anno XXI, n.62 Inverno 2010/2011 p.48
- Wilfried Agricola De Cologne, VIP Videochannel Interview Project, Interview: Isobel Blank,, 21/10/2009
- Ludovica Amoroso, Premi per la Webfactory dalla Fondazione Romaeuropa, La Repubblica 14/05/2009, p.18
- ṬILISMĀN. La buona sorte - exhibition catalogue, SCD Studio - Perugia 2024
- SYNEKDOKHÉ, frammento corpo relazione - curated by Barbara Pavan, exhibition catalogue, StudioDieci - Vercelli 2024
- Biennial of International Contemporary Fiber Art - RADICI, METAMORFOSI, MESCOLANZE - curated by Barbara Pavan, exhibition catalogue, 2024
- OTHER IDENTITY- Altre forme di identità culturali e pubbliche - digital catalogue curated by Francesco Arena (Genova 2019)
- 36° Asolo Art Film Festival, catalogo della mostra a cura di Chiara Marin (AAFF, 2018, Treviso)
- Or Not Magazine n.14, a cura di Laura Luppi e Alessandro Trabucco, con la direzione artistica di Cristina Gilda Artese (Arsprima Edizioni, 2018, Milano)
- Premio Francesco Fabbri 2015, catalogo della mostra dei finalisti - Pieve di Soligo (TV)
- Archivio Nazionale dell’Autoritratto Fotografico del Musinf di Senigallia (AN) - catalogo online (
- Fiberart International 2013 - triennale di arte tessile di Pittsburgh, catalogo della mostra (Society for Contemporary Craft, 2013 Pittsburgh, PA)
- "Wunderkammer – Camera delle Meraviglie Contemporanea - Venezia 2013", Catalogo della mostra, a cura di Antonio Nardone, (Rond-Point des Arts, 2013, Brussels)
- “Trattare una celebrità ed altre storie” E.A. Poe, illustrato dall’artista, (Conti/Phanès Editore, 2013, Torino)
- "Il corpo solitario – L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea" di Giorgio Bonomi, (Rubbettino Editore, 2012, CZ)
- "Fisionomie e Identità", Catalogo 2011, a cura di Domenico Maria Papa, (Phanès Publishing , 2011, Torino)
- TNT Festival dei Giovani Talenti, Catalogo 2010, a cura di Ministero della Gioventù, Agenzia Nazionale Giovani (Limelite, 2010, Milano)
- "The White Cellar", Catalogo Mostra Torino - Paratissima 2010 - a cura di Chiara Canali (Art Company, 2010, Milano)
- "Young Blood 09, Annual dei talenti italiani premiati nel mondo" (FM Editore, 2010, Roma)
- "Les Inattendus, 7ème Edition du Festival De Films [très] Indépendant", Catalogo (Les Inattendus, 2010, Lion)
- Premio Celeste 2009, Catalogo Finalisti Premio Celeste 2009 (Zoppelli & Lizzi Edizioni, 2009, Milano)
- "Pulsazioni Culturali", Catalogo Romaeuropa Festival 2009 (Fondazione Romaeuropa, SEA, 2009, Roma)
- "Put on your best face", Catalogo Venice International Short Film Festival 2009 (Artecolica, Venice Cube, 2009, Venezia)
V i d e o g r a p h y
- Domestic Survival (2024)
- Orbit Toos_for dTHEd (2024)
- Symbiosis (2024)
- The Whispering Of Shadows_for Gnac (2024)
- Until the Heart Stops_for Gnac (2023)
- A Simple Flower_for Gnac (2023)
- Be(e) Nest (2018)
- Imago (2018)
- The battle of the happy claustorms on two strings_for Ask The White (2018)
- Exhale (2016)
- Osmosis (2016)
- Drowning (2015)
- Into the wild_for Leo Abrahams (2015)
- Without any particular reason (2014)
- Escape the surface - Chapter II, "Places hold" (2013)
- Escape the surface - Chapter I, "A matter of light" (2013)
- If I still could hear you (2013)
- Winter kiss_for Leo Abrahams (2012)
- That's what you do_for Leo Abrahams (2011)
- La physionomie d’une idée (2011)
- De fragmentation (2011)
- Hydrogen Bonds (2011)
- Net without a spider (2011)
- The Cut (2010)
- Cacciaviti - Screwdrivers_for Io Monade Stanca (2010)
- Limbo (2010)
- Plastic invasion (2010)
- Under a different light - birth of a concept (2010)
- See yourself in the space between (2010)
- Shadowing (2010)
- Il mio verde collo Inca (2010)
- Human Building (2010)
- Subnatural gratitude (2010)
- A frozen memory (2010)
- Selfportrait (2009)
- If a Spot of Human Lasts (2009)
- Echo-System I (2008)
- Shooting Stars_for Alessandra Celletti (2008)
- Tango Santo_for Giuseppe Righini (2008)
- Burning_for Alessandra Celletti (2008)
- Banks of Kyoto_for Leo Abrahams (2008)
- Hair's Eye (2008)
- Fast Dreams (2007)
- Emily (2007)
- Eye from the Blue_for Alessandra Celletti (2007)
- From the White to the Red and Back (2007)
- Dawn of Wood and Skin (2006)